
Sunday, January 30, 2022

How to replace anonymous class with Java 8 lambda

Java lambda expression can be used to replace legacy anonymous class. For example, let's consider the following POJO class.

public class Dish {

	private String name;
	private Boolean vegitarian;
	private Integer calories;
	private DishType type;

Let's say, we have a list of objects from the above class and we want to sort them by name. The normal approch to sort this kind of custom object list is, using a comparator. So, we can write a comparator as follows.

Comparator<Dish> comparator = new Comparator<Dish>() {
         public int compare(Dish o1, Dish o2) {
             return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); // ASC order
             //return o2.getName().compareTo(o1.getName()); // DESC order

With Java's lambda, we can get rid of anonymous class comparator and reduce the code to a single like as follows.

Comparator<Dish> comparator = Comparator.comparing(Dish::getName);

And we can sort the list of Dish's as following.

Collections.sort(menu, comparator);


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